
Jordan Traffic Law and Fines


Violations require licenses reservations

violations require licenses reservations

first. cases in which the driving license is seized

1. wrong overtaking in all form.

2. breaching priorities  in all its provisions.

3. Non-compliance with “ STOP “ panel .

4. Driving a vehicle faster than the  permissible limit by more than 20 km and not exceeding 40 km / h.

5. Driving a vehicle with  unauthorised licence category .

6. parking large trucks vehicles and dump trucks in residential neighborhoods.

7. end of driving license .

8. damage of driving license .

9. change the driving direction line (according to the instructions).

10. overload of passengers  (according to the instructions).

11. Non-compliance with the conditions of the driving  license.

12. Driving the vehicle with an international driving license issued from the Royal Automobile Club of Jordan (book the international driving license without  notification ).

13. Non-compliance with the driving direction line (according to the instructions).

14. taking over payment of wage  (according to the instructions).

Second – cases in which  Ownership license is seized

1. If the driver of the vehicle isn’t legally licensed .

2. If the vehicle is driven by a license that is suspended  legally or judicially.

3. If the driver of the vehicle has a  foreign license and doesn’t have a Jordanian driver's license in this case both of foreign license and the ownership license must be seized.

4. the ownership license is invalid for more than a month.

5. damage of ownership license.

6. Use illegal numbers plate.

7. if the number plates are unclear or not installed in their allocated places.

8. put stickers on the windshield or the back or the side which impedes vision.

9. if the windows of the public cars are inappropriate or in bad conditions .

10. Installation of danger alert or multi-sounds for  unauthorized vehicles .

11. Use a subwoofer

12. adding more unauthorized and illegal options  to the body of the vehicle

13. if the Taxi counter is invalid in small public vehicles

III cases in which both of  the driving license and the ownership license are seized

1. Driving a vehicle under the influence of drugs or psychotropic substances or alcoholic beverages by more than the  permissible limit for the concentration of alcohol in blood

2. first category offences in all of it’s kinds

3. Do not take the basic required precautions to install and tighten covered the cargo .

4. dropping , leaking ,or spilling any of  the vehicles’ cargo like stones, dusts  , and waste , or any similar material

5. Driving a vehicle recklessly or pose a danger to road users

6. attempt to escape from the accident scene.

7. Driving a vehicle in such a way to make a noise or nuisance or causing obstruction to  traffic .

8.if  the vehicle owner or possessor allowed any  of non-authorized people to drive the vehicle.

9. if the vehicle is emitting polluted smoke  exceeding  of what is limited .

10. violating the permit  of transporting large cargos .

Fourth - cases of vehicle reservation.

1. If the vehicle is not registered or the license validity has been ended for more than more than six months or if the driver isn’t holding a driving license.

2. If the vehicle is travelling on roads without plates or forged license plates numbers.

3. If you are driving the vehicle without the available any of the following means: -

• a muffler of the exhaust .

• Brakes

• front or rear road Lights.

4. If conducting substantial  Amendment or switch to the vehicle

5. making races on the road and streets without prior authorization from the competent authorities.

6. overstay granted to foreign cars.

7. Non-matching information on the vehicle's license to the specifications of the vehicle.

Centres’  procedures in dealing with reserved licenses

1.reserving of reserved licenses occurs on computer firstly and first  .

2. licenses reserved for violating (the completion, the installation of options, installation of shadow , technical processing of vehicles, 000) not to be delivered to their owners where they are sent to the competent licensing department within 48 hours.

3. licenses that are reserved for the rest of the offences remain in the centre for a period of seven days and then sending them to the competent licensing department on the eighth day morning.

4. first category offences remain in the centre for two weeks and then sending them to the competent licensing department.

5.  reserving on all the letters sent by the departments of high- way patrol sections to the license sections and providing the judicial department with a copy of these letters.

6. The value of the offence must be paid before the thirtieth day from the date of violation and by the person himself and after that date offences paid in the competent court because these offenses have been doubled and sent to a competent court Due to bypass the prescribed period to pay it off, and after bringing the financial receipt  he / she will be given demand cancellation sheet .

7. Due to the activation the electronic messaging system and to make it easier for citizens it is possible  to accomplish all of the transactions in the governorates  throughout High-way patrols  sections scattered in all governorates of the Kingdom in coordination with the judicial department.

8. administrative actions are taken against offenders under offenses that require the transfer to the administrative governor and after that  he / she will be given a demand cancellation to the  licensing department.

9. concerning the reservations of foreign licenses under the violation of driving a Jordanian shipping truck with a foreign driving license ;  the owner of the vehicle  is linked with a personal’s pledge not to run any foreign driver on his vehicle  and then sending  the foreign driving license  to the PSD secretariat .

10. addressing  the  criminal information management about the names of foreign drivers who violated as driving a Jordanian vehicle with a foreign license using coloured images of their original licenses intent to mislead.

11. comply with the instructions issued by this department regarding administrative procedures which are  taken in regarding  dealing with licenses that are delivered to their owners in case of revision .

Licenses that are sent to the license departments  through the centres

Licenses are sent to the specialized licensing department  which are followed to  the centre in case the driving license and the ownership  license  issued by any section of the licensing departments followed  to the centre in the following cases: -

1. The invalidity of the driving license .

2. The invalidity of ownership  license.

3. damage the driving license .

4. damage of the ownership  license .

5. adding unauthorized additions if it is not specified on the offense What are the additions.

6. plates numbers and all offences related to them.

7. Installation of danger alert or multi-sounds for  unauthorized vehicles .

Licenses that are kept inside the centre  for a limited period

Licenses are kept inside the centres  for two weeks pending the revision of their owners in order to repay their transactions and to receive  them in the following cases, in condition  that the issuance of these licenses are within the competence centre  otherwise they  will be sent immediately and without delay to the administration / Judicial Branch: -

1. stick the Posters

 2. wrong passing

3. Priorities

4. Non-compliance for STOP sign.

5. Driving a vehicle faster than scheduled more than 20 km and not more than 40 km

6. Driving a vehicle with unauthorized  license

7. Parking cargo vehicles and trucks in residential neighborhoods.

8. Use the subwoofer.

9. Non-taking necessary to install the payload or tighten covered precautions.

10. Change the official way.

11. Carry over  passenger in excess of the decision.

12. Spillage or leakage payloads like stones and dust, waste and waste water, or any other material similarity.

13. Egression  thick smoke.

When reviewing the citizen regarding the transactions listed above taking the following actions by the Center

1. Payment of the infraction  .

3. Writing in the notification the time and date of the detection and confirmation of removing the causes of the ticket  (if the offending stick  posters, subwoofer)

4. Checking  the  points on the driver through the judicial branch, where all the information will be recorded by the judicial branch and send to inspection division  for follow-up

5. No infraction  In the case of booking the license because of the smoke unless past a week  to review the person who responses  on the infractions  , if the offender  brings  artistic validity of the certificate of authorization management in a week is exempt from the offense and delivers the licenses out.

6. In all infractions  regulate (driving a Jordanian vehicle by foreign  license) sent to the judicial branch with an official letter explaining the number and date of the offense and ID.

7. As for the first category infractions  are kept at the center for a month unless the transaction request to pay by the judicial branch.

Cases that licenses are not booked out where editing infraction and alert  the driver

 non-compliance / infraction  and alert the driver.

 Driving against the traffic in a Street is separated by a separative.

 abstention the public car driver for getting passengers without a legitimate reason abstention.

 reverse manner interfere with the traffic.

 non-arrival of the end-line decision.

 Lack of a distinctive sign for the  load of the vehicle .

 Eat Food or drinks  while driving the vehicle.

 No use the seat belt.

recorded inside the vehicle use is causing inconvenience and contrary to public morals .

Allow for a child less than 10 years to sit in the front seats -

 The use of mobile phone.

not running  taxi counter .;

 Not giving priority to pedestrians.

failure to comply to  priority sign  .

 radar up to 20 km.

Driving close to cars .

- lack of freight cars and buses commitment to medium-sized construction and agricultural vehicles and passenger in the way  on the right lane of a multi-lane road.

 rotation the vehicle in forbidden places -

sudden deviation while driving.

Wrong parking .

Carry people in non-allocated to them without permission places.

-failure to comply with the mandatory signs

** All licenses are sent reserved halt to the instructions issued by management, which are not issued by the Licensing Section within the jurisdiction of the Department of Foreign periodicals judicial branch immediately and without delay so that we can complete the transaction procedures.

 Is sent to all licenses which goes by the more than two weeks to the administration under prepared for this purpose is a model for follow up procedures in the event of a review citizen after this period are informed of the need to pay for infringing reserve license before coming to the judicial branch

withdraw licenses instructions

-If totaled driver points (10) points and less than (16 points), then he has to attend a training course at the Traffic Institute and be optional for those less points (10) points, where are written off (6) points from the total points after subscribing session to be used right this once a year and it shall bear the expenses of the driver of the session.

The withdrawal of administrative licenses in any of the following cases-

- If the sum of the driver's points reached  in the record (16 points) and less than 20 points, pulling for two months.

-If the sum of the driver's points reached  in the record (20 points) and less than (24) points, pulling for a period of three months.

-If the sum of the driver's points reached  in the record (24 points) and less than 28 points, pulling for four months.

-If the sum of the driver's points reached  in the record (28 points) and less than 32 points, pulling for a period of six months.

- -If the sum of the driver's points reached  in the record (32 points) and older to withdraw for one year.

- driving  licenses be returned to their owners when implementing the withdrawal period prescribed / where is fully written off points.

1. assure full compliance with procedures followed with respect to dealing with irregularities and licenses reserved and conduct transactions pertaining to licenses in terms of the following  procedures

- Open record licenses reserved, (driving + acquisitions), scored the first category, log reports

- activate the registration of licenses aphid shown where the license number and the reason for booking and number of the offense and the action taken on it

- give licenses whole sequence records to standardize procedures and save them in a private coffers by letters of the alphabet for easy reference

- open   a special register for  first category of offenses recorded and go and work on booking them on PC

Open a special register offenses against vehicles that non  Jordanian .

Open a special register of irregularities saved and the statement of the way to save.

Open a special register for persons who send to the administrative ruling.

- Open a special register of irregularities liberated the right of military personnel or military vehicles or the diplomatic corps or the House of Representatives and comply with the instructions issued about it in terms of sending the report original version, organized by the commander of the patrol in addition to the offense copy of the white to the administration / judicial department to be necessary action

Work on the payment transactions on the records.

to do Statistics (daily, weekly, monthly) and save it in a special files-

2. Work on booking licenses on the computer.

3. regarding the licenses reserved for violating (the completion, the installation of add-ons, installation of jelly, technical processing of vehicles, …..) is sent to the Licensing Department within 48 hours

4. licenses that are reserved for the rest of the irregularities remain in place for seven days, and is sent to the Licensing Department on the eighth day morning

5. irregularities for  first category remain in police center  for two weeks and then be submitted to the competent licensing department.

6. comply with the instructions issued by this administration regarding administrative procedures which take about dealing with licenses that are delivered to their owners if the review.

7.   preserve  records and arrange them and sustain and signed by the department head or his deputy.

8. execute to all sections of your full compliance with it.

Driving  licenses returns  to owners when implementing the withdrawal period prescribed

If the total driver points reach to (10) points and less than (16 points), then he has to attend rehabilitation  course  in traffic to the Institute and be optional for those less points (10) points, where are written off (6) points from the total points after the subscription cycle that is used right this once a year and shall bear the expenses of the driver this session

In the case  of the withdrawal of the license by the center, according to a points system license send an official letter explaining the number of points.

In cases of irregularities disqualification taxi meter or tachograph device requests a certificate technical validity of the competent authority

Irregularities perpetrators that sent to Administrative Governor

According to Article 3, Section 3 of the Crime Prevention Law No. 17 of 1954 it is converting to repeat the following violations of administrative in order to preserve public safety.


Driving a vehicle recklessly or dangerously on road users (Article (43) 0.47.

The use of private  vehicle to take a remuneration (Article 45

To hold a race on the road and streets without prior authorization from the competent authorities (Article 47)

carry over  Passengers  if the number of passengers over 6 passengers  

- Oil spill.

Second :-

-The failure to take necessary precautions to install the payload or tighten covered Article 48

-Driving a vehicle license if it is not authorized  if the license of  third category

-Driving a vehicle in such a way to make a noise or nuisance or causing obstruction to walk in processions Article 48

Change the official way-

-Put or throw  loads of vehicles stone, dust, waste, waste water, or any other similar material

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